Self Build Blog

ACA's COVID-19 Response

Written by Allan Corfield | 19.3.2020

The unprecedented global spread of Coronavirus will impact all of us, in both health and financial terms. At ACA, we are people first, and the health of our staff and their families is our priority. This is why we have taken all available measures to aid social distancing.

As of Wednesday 18 March, our offices are closed (indefinitely), and all of our staff are working remotely. We have also cancelled all travel and face to face meetings.

We urge all of our clients, consultants and friends to take similar action, where possible. For further information on social distancing, please click here and you will be directed to the NHS website.



As you can see below, our team have all set up their home offices and are working away as normal. We will continue to operate during standard business hours, and our phone and email systems are working as normal – so please stay in touch.

Our team are used to working with remote clients (most of our projects are 100-200 miles away), so we are utilising these tried and tested principles to work together as a team. All meetings are held via Zoom, so we can see each other and share our screens.

We continue to utilise our 3D drawing package Archicad, which allows our teams and clients, to view and interact with their designs, remotely on an iPad or home PC.

We intend to continue to work with our clients and consultants so that when the time comes, that this horrible virus has been defeated – our projects (and lives) can continue, without delay. We feel this is vitally important for our health and our economy.

We will continue to appraise new sites and deal with all new enquiries, but these will be completed remotely.

Over the coming weeks, we will try and provide valuable and sensitive educational content to our readers.


I wanted to take this opportunity to thank our amazing NHS and in fact all frontline workers – who are putting themselves in harm’s way to help all of us.

Your unselfish acts of kindness and bravery are a lesson to all of us and on behalf of all of our staff I would like to say thank you, you are all heroes! 

Once your life is back to normal and you can take some time to concentrate on you and your families, I would like to offer (as a small token of my gratitude) a 15% discount on our services.

Stay safe and look after each other…