Low Energy Replacement Dwelling in Peterborough
Low Energy Replacement Dwelling in Peterborough
We have recently submitted a detailed planning application for a large, modern, family bungalow near Peterborough.
Our clients have recently returned to the UK after spending many years living and working in the USA.
They were keen to create a bespoke home that was designed to their specific living requirements and also to incorporate some characterises from the American homes they had lived in.
The house will utilise modern methods of construction to create a thermally efficient, air-tight external envelope.
Large glazing areas to the South have been carefully considered to take advantage of solar gain.
Utilising PV panels, a log-burning stove and potentially a ground source heat pump will allow the building to be efficient and inexpensive to run.
A contemporary palette of materials gives the building a strong, modern, visual impact, whilst the low-rise, wide footprint of the house allows it to sit comfortably on the sizeable plot.
We look forward to guiding and assisting our clients through the process over the coming months as we move to the technical design stage, detailing the building for Building Regs approval.