Low-Energy Replacement Dwelling in Rosewell
Low-Energy Replacement Dwelling in Rosewell
Back in 2016 ACA was appointed by a young couple to explore the renovation possibilities for their newly purchased bungalow, near Edinburgh. Over the coming months we prepare various options, which were costed by contractors and reviewed by the planners.
After careful consideration, it was decided to start reviewing the options for demolition and the creation of a new replacement dwelling.
Due to the state of the current bungalow, both in terms of thermal performance and accessibility – it was agreed with the planners that demolition was the correct option.
In early 2018 after various design options were considered, a pre-application dialogue started with Midlothian Council.
This process helped to gauge what would be supported and what was pushing the boundaries of the site – too far. In the end, we settled on a 1 1/2 storey contemporary agricultural style home, with a single-storey element to the rear.
The house features a stone base course and vertical timber cladding and lots of floor-to-ceiling windows to the rear. The house will be constructed from SIPs panels and follow the ‘fabric first’ approach to low energy homes. We expect demolition works to start on site in April 2019.