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Allan CorfieldApr 23, 2020 12:00:00 AM

How important is thermal performance for self-builders?

Tom Connor, Hester McQueen (Custom Build Homes), Jason Orme (Homebuilding & Renovating) and Allan discussed many interesting topics that will help self-builders to build houses that support their lifestyles. We picked several interesting questions and presented them on our blog.

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This question comes from a continuation of our previous blog – published here. You may want to watch it first.

The freedom of building a home that will suit your individual lifestyle is not the only advantage of building a bespoke Self Build home. A self-builder can also decide on the thermal performance of their future home. Listen to what Allan has to say about it in the video below:



Tom: ‘Allan, that performance of the house, is that something that’s thought of quite early in the design process or should be?’

Allan: ‘The thermal performance is always massively looked at, and how we’re getting the most of the natural sun and all of these things. One will help save the planet but will reduce your outgoings.

That’s a lot of the things that we’re looking at when we’re working with self-builders or people that are building custom build sites. Is that by using renewable tech or going for something like the fabric first approach where you’re getting the forever bit of the house right and reducing everything cost wise they are after. That’s reducing their outgoings forevermore. If they are borrowing, their outgoings are reduced, so they’ve got more capacity.

So there are lots of different tech and renewables and performance things that we need to think about that will help our day to day life and reduce our costs, which is something that we’re all going to have to think about moving forward.’

Focusing on the thermal performance of your future house has many advantages, including: 

  • making the most of natural sunlight, which is eco-friendly
  • reducing your energy use which will, in turn, reduce your bills
  • using the right renewable technology and fabric first approach provides optimal financial investment which will reduce costs in the long run
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